MagNUM's Dark Gloomy Page of Dark Gloominess
Greetings mortals. You seem to have stumbled upon my page. Perhaps you think that you got here by chance, but in all actuality I've sent out mind probes to make you come to my site just so that I can see the numbers on my counter go up! After they reach a certain point, things will happen which will allow me to take over the world! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!... Ahem. Be happy. You are helping me in my plans for world conquest. No, really. Be happy. I'll be a great dictator.
You're still here!
Am I rambling? I seem to be. Anyway, you've read the intro and you're still here. This confuses my mind. In case you still haven't figured it out, this is my website. Its very random, but underneath this whole visage of weirdness, it actually contains some random and interesting facts about me. So look around and... I dunno. Do stuff.

~.357 MagNUM~

I'm finished. Why must you keep reading? Your persistance is much appreciated. Notice the FBI vans that just pulled up on your front lawn. Thats right, wave to the nice FBI officer who's got a laser sight centered on your forehead. Go ahead. Wave.
Favorite Links

SyN's rEaLm!
This is my psychotic Dark Brother's site. Just watch out.. she can't spell very well.


Bardock's DBZ World
I like Anime. Dragon Ball Z is my favorite anime. This is a site about DBZ. Is that simplified enough for you? Well, is it??!!


Magwa's Page
Don't ask.

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